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Writer's pictureTanese S

I Think I Need to Take a Break from Keto!

Updated: Jul 30, 2020

My emotions are running wild and I can't handle them without some good old emotional eating.

Photo credit: Kevin Turcios

This is truly how I've been feeling for the past month or so. Then I came across a meme which I can not seem to locate anymore which stated, and I'm paraphrasing here: [Keto is like a marriage and if you cheat, it won't work.] Yeah, I'm gonna hit this with a hard No!

I cannot put this together and say yes to this analogy. What it did was put me in this weird space that made me feel like I was a prisoner of my own making. However, it made me laugh as I realized that it was just a meme. Second thought, I wonder how many people see it this way? Not just with Keto, but in life, in their daily choices about their commitments. Is choosing a new lifestyle this contained and rigid, or is there flexibility when it comes to self improvement? I think it is and should be the latter. Trust me, I'm not talking about interpersonal relationships here, I'm talking about diets, etc. Even then, to each his own choice in my opinion.

So with all that, let us unpack this notion and let the religious rigid ideology go and step firmly out of that box! ~ There is forgiveness here~ In my opinion!

There are times when I feel the need to take a break from my new lifestyle as sometimes I want what I want. When I usually find myself wanting changes it's usually within good reason. Example, when I take a vacation or a holiday, I find that I want to enjoy something outside of my normal routine. I want the pastry or my Jamaican food items or that bottle of wine. Judge me now for there will be some sinning. This is my life and this is the style in which I will live it. I am not saying to go on a binge for 6 months or however long and not expect the effects or the consequences. However, if you need a break, take it! Whatever the reason or reasons may be, do it! I do warn that you should do it gracefully and with a plan. Most importantly, RELAX!! Do not have a melt down about it, especially if you're already having a melt down. Stop taking away from the reality of life here. Don't be so rigid that you set yourself up for failure, guilt, self-loathing and regret. It is Seriously, not that serious!

Do What Works For YOU!

If you need a moment from the diet/new lifestyle, make a plan.

This is where you conduct an experiment. If this is the new lifestyle that you are taking a break from, isn't this a great time to monitor how you are able to adjust, acclimate and recover? Positively speaking here, YES! Use this time to find out how your body behaves when you are in and out of ketosis. Make a list and record your observations. My biggest advice here is to be a long-time keto fat burning machine and then go from there.

Fine Print: (I do not think that it is a good idea to have just started and then cheat 2 weeks in. Go beyond 3 to 4 months. (In my opinion)).

It has been my experience to find out that I did not know my baseline. I had no idea what my "normal" body functions were at base level because I was eating processed foods and drinking down my carbs and refined sugars. Getting into ketosis allowed me to feel my "real" body at baseline for the first time. When I have taken my breaks, I felt old feelings of my body and it felt horrible.

Those Not So Good Old Feelings and Symptoms

bloating flatulence plaque build up on my teeth chapped lips dehydration

nausea body odor (armpits) headaches smelly feet body aches and pain fatigue increased anxiety mental fogginess concentrated urine mood swings

pimples diarrhea constipation excess sweating dry skin

unsatiated nail biting laziness lethargic late night eating

Since I have adapted to the ketogenic way of eating, I have experienced none of the above mentioned old "normal" feelings. This tells me that how I feel now, while in ketosis, is my normal. This is my baseline, this is how I should feel.

These So Good Feelings

stable energy clear thinking clear urine glowing skin rested upon awaking

little to no plaque on my teeth no body odor normal sweating clear eyes

deeper sleep stable mood bursts of energy less anxiety no nail biting

pain free no flatulence eating only when hungry feeling satiated strong nails

regular poop schedule

So now that you are becoming aware of all these signs and feelings, you are now able to better navigate your way through a break. As you have noticed, I'm not a friend to the word cheat as I find it to be off course with it's connotation here. I feels heavy and I am not in the space to accept any heaviness, including my weight, as this is just my time away. My intention is to come back with even more tenacity. I just need a moment to indulge in a few things that take me away. I know, I know, many people will differ with this opinion but in my own feelings here, there is no substitute for my mother's Jamaican Easter bun, or Jamaican Patties and Cocoa Bread. I have a list that if you have had them will agree that there is no keto substitute. You know exactly what I mean so please, don't start an argument that I am not willing to hear. Sometimes, I just need what I need. It's food and sometimes I am willing to suffer the consequences.

Here is where it gets a bit exciting for me. I love the idea of the experiment like I have suggested earlier. I truly enjoy taking out my calendar and looking at it regarding the start date for my break, when it will end, and I then devise a strategy on how I will transition back into ketosis. Maybe it's the excitement of knowing that I'm about to have the time of my life with good food and feel like crap while chewing my way through it. Either way, I am good with it.

Over the past year and a half that I have done keto, I have come to realize that even when I take a break, my mindset is still in the frame of eating Ketogenically. Of course this is not a good idea. I cannot have high fats, sugars and excessive carbs all at once. So here comes the strategy. What I do is plan, plan and plan each meal. Trust me, it is not as bad as you think. Here's an example:

When I went home to New York a while back, there is an amazing restaurant that my brother and I always frequent whenever I'm home, so I planned my day around that meal and the meal that I would be having at the end of the day. Usually when I have a big breakfast, I don't have lunch so that works perfectly. My breakfast consisted of Corned Beef with Peppers and Onions, with Deep Fried Spuds. I enjoyed a mimosa with that and had a side of French Toast. Oh my goodness gracious, it was phenomenal. Did I finish it, gladly yes. I did it all by myself. I mean look at this. It was so worth it.

Upon completing this deliciousness, I continued on with my day. Yes, there were some after effects. I felt high and sleepy all at the same time. The trick that I used here was to drink water. I was already stuffed so I decided to take a little walk and it worked. I didn't have lunch and made sure that I kept my body hydrated throughout the day. Dinner was next and yes it was also a big one. I went into the city with my mother and there I enjoyed some authentic Jamaican Cuisine and drank a fair amount of Rum Punch. Fair amount for me I realized was that one was enough. My tolerance level for alcohol then was very low as I had abstained for over one year. Thank goodness mom was the designated driver.

Jamaican Escovitch Fish with Festival and Sweet Plantains

Jerk Chicken with Rice and Peas Burrito Smothered with Jerk Sauce and an Avocado Puree.

Yeah, that was my day. It was a lot of food so the plan was set, the next day I would fast and have one meal for that day. That one meal would be whatever I wanted. So that's what I mean when I say there should be a plan and some strategy. My goal was not to see how fast I could regain my weight lost and undo all my progress, my goal was to take a break and enjoy the foods that once in a while I allow myself to eat.

I followed this strategy for almost 3 weeks. During this time, I kept active, drank lots of water and tried my hardest never to eat past 8 p.m. and if I did, I waited for 3- 4 hours before going to sleep. I also maintained taking my Potassium, Magnesium Glycinate and Zinc daily as I found that when I didn't, my energy level fluctuated throughout the day more and I had a lot of leg cramps and headaches.

Great News For Me and Maybe You:

Before I began my transition back into ketosis, I had weighed myself and I had gained four whole pounds. I was in shock. Like, that's it? yep four whole pounds. I honestly thought it would have been a lot more than that. With that, I decided to fast for 24 hours having water only. It was easier than I had anticipated and after the fast, I got back into ketosis almost immediately. Upon completing the fast, my first meal was my handy dandy Bulletproof Coffee.

So again with the repeat, TAKE YOUR BREAK and enjoy every single bite.

Figure it out by experimenting.

Be aware of what and how your body feels.

Take your vitamins.

Drink lots of water.

Stay active. Don't over do it if it is not your routine.

Give your body time to digest the food before going to bed.

Be gentle with yourself.

Get to know You better!

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