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Writer's pictureTanese S

.....and so the diet begins!

Updated: Aug 20, 2020

The first day and the first "keto meals."

"I can't eggs-actly say if the chicken was created before the eggs, all I know is there has to an eggs-planation."

"One egg asked the other; how shocked are you that you are an egg? Answer: Shellshocked!"

These beautiful jokes have been brought to you by

How Can I Not Do This?

Before I began eating ketogenically, I went on a fantastic voyage of eating everything I thought I would never be ever able to eat ever and never again. I was a bit panicked and I was very overwhelmed. I was afraid of the failure that I might have to endure. I was terrified that I would end up in the same situation where I would loose 10 pounds and then gain 35 pounds whenever I got tired of it. Even more far ahead, my thoughts projected me into the idea that not doing anything about my weight and declining health wouldn't affect me that fast and I could wait another year to begin.

These fears taunted me into a state of emergency. I had to do something! I had to do it now!

I started reading and researching and I understood that for me, I had to get in a calm frame of mind. With that, on one of my days off from work, I decided to get all of the non-keto-friendly foods that I had out of the house as they were no longer welcomed. It was very hard for me to look at most of these items and say goodbye. Then a moment of clarity presented itself where I thought, "why are you being so dramatic? Put them away just in case you will want them for your cheat days and who knows, there might be an apocalypse and at least you will have these foods!" So without any drastic measures, I merely hid the items in one of my cupboards and thought nothing more of them. When I had completed the task of putting everything away, I felt so calm and ready.

Next week will be the beginning....

Next Week

Considering the depth of my intentions, I felt emotionally heavy and alone. I was still afraid, afraid to take this first step. I had to, and now I had no more excuses to play in my head. I had no idea what I wanted to eat and I began worrying about how I would endure not having any sugar. Then I thought, Fast! Whenever I had fasted in the past, I realized that my taste buds were very sensitive to sweets. In my head, this was the best way to begin this new chapter.

I would fast, drink lots of water, rest, read, watch television (health food documentaries) and dive into the information that I needed to begin and continue this diet.

This is a great plan!

I completed a fast of 36 hours!!

I felt amazing!......and ready to eat.

I learned that breaking an extended fast needed to be gentle and it wasn't the best idea to eat heavy or dense foods that are hard to digest. I broke my fast with my version of the Bulletproof Coffee.

Brew coffee anyway you like and pour it in a blender with about 2 tablespoons of salted quality butter (I love Kerrygold), 11/2 tablespoons coconut oil and a splash of heavy whipping cream. Blend this together until everything is dissolved.

My first impression of this concoction was, why in any religion would anyone really drink this? Then I made it and took my first sip! Well bless me Father because this is sinful and delicious.

While I drank the magic potion, it was almost instantaneously that I felt this intense burst of energy. My head felt like I was being pushed forward and I felt a little high. I think it was just a caffeine rush. I went for a little walk but had to get back in the house because my bowls had another plan. I won't get into the details, but let's just say I had an explosively moving experience. Apparently, this is very normal. In about an hour or so, I was hungry and I decided to have my keto breakfast. This is simple. All I needed was proteins and fats. I thought of a smoothie but I figured it was too soon to go for the berries to get caught up emotionally by the "sweet" factor. So eggs, bacon and sausage it was.

This was an amazing second meal and I say second, because the bulletproof coffee is considered a meal. Either way, I felt full, energized and motivated.

The Eggs

I think most keto dieters begin their keto journey this way. It's all about the chicken and the egg, or is it more about the chicken and the cow? I don't know. For me, I would now have to get used to eating steaks!.....and Panic in 5...4..3.., Stop it!! Focus!! (Not a big fan of steaks or lots of beef).

Isn't She lovely?

I am so grateful for eggs and I mean that in eggvery single way!

I did not have any boring breakfasts as my taste buds were on a rampage and I began to expand my tastes and varied all my dishes as much as I could. It was fun as I made sure not to do the same old, egg and bacon every day.

Here are a few eggsamples!

Breakfast Scramble with Bacon and Kielbasa

Kielbasa and Fried Eggs (I made this up)

Be imaginative and even try to make your favorites work in your favor by making them keto-friendly. Neither am I a fan of quiches and casseroles, but sometimes I will make them just to have more variety and options.

Isn't this just beautiful?

Please do not be afraid to eggsplore the egg options as these are just a few of the eggscelent ways to enjoy these delicious magical delights.

Have a wonderful day!! No Eggsagerations!!

Enjoy, and be gentle with yourself!

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